Tag Australian swimwear designers

My Beachwear From Coco Bay

If you haven’t yet discovered Coco Bay, it is a cool online holiday shop that sells an array of designer beachwear. It is a dangerous place for mums going on holiday as you can quickly and easily buy gorgeous kaftans, bikinis, swimsuits, beachbags (I could go on) all in one easy click.  I have long been a fan of Coco Bay but since having T-Rex, it has been one of my main go-to’s

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Gorgeous Swimwear For Hot Mamas

  Finally I write about Bikinis!  And I managed to do it before the end of the summer – hurrah!  After looking at my pale and pasty winter body I was tempted to just don a Bhurkini and be done with it.  Then I thought, NO!  You are a hot gorgeous mummy who is going to look glorious in all her motherhood on the beach.  So rather than thinking your old

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