5 Bright and Beautiful Kids Swimwear Pieces for 2015
The weather was horrendous in London yesterday. Nonstop rain all day meant that both myself and T-Rex were bouncing off the walls – roll on our Ibiza summer holiday in three weeks time! With this in mind I thought I would take a look at some new swimwear for T-Rex. After almost losing him on the beach in Australia earlier this year I am really keen to choose swimwear that is as bright as possible, without being garish. Here are a few cuties I found from Sunuva and Scandi Mini (obviously he won’t be going in the pink swimming costume!).

Mini Rodini Fishes Swimpants in Yellow
Mini Rodini Fishes Swimpants in Yellow

Bang Bang Copenhagen Fiona Fame Swimsuit
Bang Bang Copenhagen Fiona Fame Swimsuit

Sunuva Lobster Floatsuit

Mini Rodini Heron UV Suit

Skulls and Stars Rash Vest
Sunuva Skulls and Stars Rash Vest
Visit www.sunuva.com and www.scandimini.co.uk