Posts by Bikinis and Bibs

Mallorcan Country Charm For Families: Possessio Binicomprat

If you’ve been looking for a beautiful but affordable stay in Mallorca this coming summer then I might have just the thing. For those of you who follow me on Instagram you may remember that towards the end of last year, Florence and I went on our first girls’ minibreak. We stayed in a restored farmhouse – an agroturismo called Possessio Binicomprat, organised by the stylish and sustainable travel club,

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Moving to Mallorca: Eight Months In

Hi All! Happy New Year! Well I know I keep promising posts (I have so many I want to write but never the time at the moment) but 2018 was a big year for us. Not only did we have a new baby but we also fulfilled a long standing dream to relocate from London to Mallorca. After a couple of years of talking about it we took the plunge

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Learning On The Go: Lamaze Baby Toys

Over my five years of having children, I’ve become quite selective about the toys we have in our house. We’ve had plenty of the toys that momentarily satisfy, before getting thrown to one side, never to be played with again. During our first year of having my son, we had a handful of toys, one of which was the Lamaze Toy Freddie The Firefly. Freddie was a firm favourite because

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Parent Escape: Purobeach Illetas, Mallorca

Last week Ross and I were invited on a well needed ‘Parent Escape’ to the stunning Purobeach Illetas located just outside of Palma in Mallorca. I must admit my beach club skills are a little rusty – the last time I went to one was in Ibiza…pre-children…say no more. I’d been told, however, that Purobeach Illetas has quite a different vibe to the ones I’ve frequented on the White Isle, more

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My Positive Home Birth In London

My first blog post in a while so I thought it only fitting to cover a few things I’ve been up to in the last three months:) Firstly, I gave birth! For the second time! My birth experience was totally different this time to the last – it was much more positive so I wanted to share it and hopefully inspire and give confidence to some of the pregnant ladies

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An Architect Designed Holiday House In London – Kid & Coe

A couple of months ago we had a staycation in London staying at one of Kid & Coe‘s gorgeous family properties – The Ockenden Residence in Islington. This is one of those houses that you see in films about London and think that everyone lives in (when in fact most of us live in tiny two bedroom Victorian terraces). It was lovely to experience such a gorgeous family space and

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Mission: Sleep. Part 2, Sleep Guide

Can we say it’s officially Spring? Brighter days and the clocks going forward feels like a distinct shift in the seasons (despite the ‘April Showers’…grrr). I have been quietly cultivating my little nest over here. My mission to create the perfect sleep environment continues and over the last couple of months I’ve been collecting some of the cosiest and most comfortable linens and cushions to make sleeping as easy and

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Dressing The Bump: An Everyday Style Guide

If there is one time you’ll end up truly having a capsule wardrobe it’s when you are pregnant. I’ve found the bigger I get the more capsule it becomes. From finding tops that cover the bump but aren’t so long that you look like a sausage to comfortable smart/casual skirts and dresses. Here are my fail safe everyday pieces that I’ve been wearing during this pregnancy – they are not

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Room Service Please! It’s Mothers Day…

As mums we are so selfless. Even when it comes to Mother’s Day, a day dedicated to us, we are happy with just about anything…a cup of tea in bed, a sweet card, a homemade piece of pottery. Understated, meaningful simplicity should always reign…but. When you receive a weighty green bag painted with pretty gold letters- Harrods– full of luxurious pampering goodies, you can’t help but feel overly excited. It’s

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The Babymoon: Hotel Cort, Palma

If you are reading this and thinking about taking a little break before your baby is born (a babymoon) – do it! We have just come back from a blissful adult only week of doing all the things we love to do when kids are not around. Staying in a gorgeous boutique hotel, eating long lunches and late dinners, sleeping in and wandering out when we wish. The week truly

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