The Mindful Toddler

mindfulness for childrenLast week I was sent a pack of cards called Mindful Monsters. I don’t usually talk about products but these interested me because they are all about helping our children to be mindful – to build resilience and kindness through being thoughtful.

Practicing Mindful Monsters

Every parent will agree that life gets so busy and whilst we might try and take time out ourselves to do some yoga or meditation, how do we help our children to learn about focus and being in the moment? Rex is an active toddler like most and he enjoys running around (a lot) with little downtime except for when he is glued to the TV…not my ideal.The Mindful Monsters cards are fun activity cards which encourage children to think about what they are doing. There are yoga inspired activities such as ‘balancing on one leg’ or ‘huffing and puffing like a dog’ and then there are other small challenges such as ‘saying something nice’ and teaching kindness through paying someone a compliment.

Here we are trying them out…

The cards are from Scope – a charity that supports families with disabled children. The added bonus to subscribing to these monthly cards is that you will also be helping to support these families. In turn, you will receive a set of activity cards to your door each month, prompting you to practice important life skills with your children, whilst also spending quality time together. You’ll explore the four themes of relaxation, creativity, positivity and concentration. I have kept the cards in the kitchen and randomly pick one out each day. They literally take a minute to do and I have found them handy for diverting attention during times of stress whilst inadvertantly providing Rex with some useful lessons and healthy benefits.

For more information on how to order Mindful Monsters visit:


Photo By: Copyright Bikinis and Bibs

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